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FULCRUMHQ Industries

Transform your infrastructure lifecycle with highly configurable solutions designed for maximum collaboration and efficiency.


man wearing a hard hat while standing in an industrial plant
Explore an integrated approach to design, construction and facility management that improves efficiency, increases cost savings and leads to better outcomes throughout the entire project lifecycle.

Streamline the design and construction process across manufacturing, energy and utilities sectors

Create detailed models across the entire project lifecycle, including architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical components. Improve collaboration among internal stakeholders and throughout the construction process, reducing clashes and errors, and ultimately easing project execution. Our platform's real-time, cloud-based collaboration capabilities also ensure better communication, reduced friction and accelerated decision making.

Improve facility management, and drive down overhead costs

FULCRUMHQ's extensive data repository allows for all facility management documentation to be centrally stored — including equipment specifications, maintenance schedules and spatial relationships — for efficient management, organization and accessibility. This helps teams in the industrial space prolong the lifespan of digital assets and reduce the time-consuming upkeep of materials.

Additionally, building information modeling (BIM) assists industrial entities in adhering to regulatory standards by integrating relevant codes and regulations directly into the BIM during construction and operation.


commercial high rises
Cut costs, improve collaboration and enhance visualization across the conceptualization and construction development of your commercial projects.

Roll out integrated design and visualization across your commercial operations

With BIM 3D to 7D modeling, you can render enhanced visualizations that secure early buy-in from key stakeholders. This real-time idea-sharing and feedback process allows for regular project updates and reduces misunderstandings early in the project's lifecycle.

Enhance your team's internal communication and coordination

Thanks to FULCRUMHQ's robust geographic information system (GIS) and BIM-enabled programming, teams can improve the coordination of various commercial building systems, including structural, mechanical, electrical and plumbing. The entire project's assets and documentation (e.g., drawings, specifications and schedules) are also centrally housed in a secure data repository for maximum efficiency as teams share and iterate information. 


cityscape with surrounding roads
Construct roads and subsurface utility with a centralized repository of data, complete version history, and comprehensive visualization of differentiated infrastructure design.

Draft new road designs and present complex concepts to internal stakeholders

BIM enables 3D to 7D modeling and visualization of the construction of road products from start to finish. Thanks to sophisticated data visualization capabilities, our FULCRUMHQ platform allows stakeholders in the commercial sector to showcase above-ground infrastructure and subsurface utility engineering (SUE) such as water pipes, sewer lines and electrical conduits.

Create detailed road construction plans and sequences

Optimize your construction schedules and reduce project timelines with detailed construction plans and sequences. This helps the team avoid major slowdowns during excavation and construction. 


two construction people doing work on a railway
Leverage the power of BIM technology to transform the way your teams plan for, design and execute rail systems and associated sustainability efforts.

Put rail safety and sustainability initiatives first

With cloud-based BIM-enabled technology, stakeholders get a full view of the environmental and safety impact of their rail projects so they make educated decisions about future expansion. By integrating environmental data, such as energy consumption and emissions, designers can optimize renderings to minimize environmental impact. Cloud-based collaboration tools empower teams to share best practices and lessons learned, which allows all stakeholders to participate in ongoing learning and the latest sustainability practices. 

Establish a more efficient rail design and planning process

The FULCRUMHQ platform allows teams to more quickly, fully and accurately understand the scope of a rail infrastructure project and its components. In turn, architects, designers and engineers can simulate scenarios and optimize their designs early in the planning process, reducing friction or delays later in the project lifecycle. In addition, our platform's cloud-based technology allows teams to holistically analyze outcomes and plan for future rail construction projects.


security guard checking building with a flashlight
Optimize defense operations, strengthen your strategic capabilities, and respond to complex crises and emergencies with clear tactics for resolution.

Develop systems for sophisticated defense security and resilience

Manage safety operations and data security with total control. FULCRUMHQ's cloud-based BIM platform enables defense organizations to protect sensitive data with a range of security features including data encryption, user permissions and routine system backups. These protections thwart cyber threats and data breaches from unauthorized users. BIM information is centrally stored in our secure data repository for optimal confidentiality, controlled accessibility and streamlined organization in the evolving digital landscape.

Create realistic defense training and simulation

Prepare your teams today for the worst-case scenarios of tomorrow. FULCRUMHQ supports defense teams in conceptualizing immersive, realistic and educational simulations with BIM-based technology. By leveraging BIM to generate virtual environments, defense organizations can best prepare their teams for emergency response training, combat simulations and drills, as well as routine training that helps individuals prepare for real-world missions and scenarios.

Energy & Resources

field of windmills
Promote sustainability initiatives at every level of your organization, and increase efficiency and collaboration among internal stakeholders.

Establish effective energy and resource safety and sustainability measures

Measure the impact of your energy and resource initiatives. Our cloud-based BIM technology allows stakeholders from all disciplines to analyze the environmental and safety effects of their projects in real time. FULCRUMHQ allows designers, planners, engineers and architects to account for safety and sustainability requirements early in the conceptualization phase of the project to complete each project on time and in scope.

Facilitate straightforward internal collaboration and communication

Accelerate your project delivery times with customized workflows that work the way you do and encourage internal collaboration. Our cloud-based, BIM-enabled platform allows your entire team to access updated project information at any time, anywhere in the world. And thanks to our centralized data repository, your teams have access to complete version history at all times. 


water reservoir
Manage your water initiatives more efficiently, uphold safety protocol, and promote access to clean water across communities and industries.

Streamline your water infrastructure and installation process

Keep your contractors, subcontractors and suppliers connected with our BIM-enabled, cloud-based platform. With all of the latest BIM stored in the cloud, construction teams maintain access to all digital assets throughout a project's lifecycle, including materials, installation processes and project timelines for optimal collaboration. These capabilities help to reduce errors, minimize rework and improve overall efficiency. 

Improve water access and regulatory compliance

Meet regulatory compliance water utilities across municipalities with FULCRUMHQ. Our BIM-enabled platform maintains records of water infrastructure and operations so you can demonstrate compliance to your internal stakeholders and greater constituency. Plus, with FULCRUMHQ's extensive and centralized data repository, you can track records related to water quality, environmental impact and public safety. You can engage in a seamless data exchange of this information across departments. 

Ports & Airports

airport terminals and runways
Improve the planning, construction and operation of your port and airport infrastructure to support economic growth, maintain safety and reduce the environmental impact.

Deploy an integrated approach to the planning and design of your next port or airport project

Transform the planning and design stages of your port or airport infrastructure projects with real-time collaboration among architects, engineers, contractors and regulatory agencies. FULCRUMHQ's BIM-enabled platform allows for the streamlined construction of port and airport infrastructure, including terminals, runways, hangars, docks and navigation systems, plus robust modeling to provide complete visualization of structural components, utilities and transportation networks. Streamlined data sharing among all stakeholders allows for simplified coordination and increased efficiency. 

Prioritize safety, ongoing maintenance and the environmental sustainability of your next build

Streamline maintenance and safety protocol across your entire port or airport with centralized systems for connectivity and data sharing. BIM-enabled, cloud-based technology allows teams to simulate safety and security protocols before implementing them. By incorporating data on passenger flows, baggage handling systems and emergency response procedures into the BIM, teams can assess operations, test vulnerabilities and design new systems for increased efficiency. Cloud-based technology also eases communication across departments in case of emergency.